I am also a licensed massage therapist, specializing  in Kinetic Swedish® massage, as well as chair massage.


Kinetic Swedish® massage consists of a series of massage techniques that are applied to muscles as well as tendons. Its goal is to achieve a deep relaxation of the muscles and thereby favor an increase in the range of motion - thus the term "kinetic."


Kinetic Swedish® massage techniques involve the whole muscle - from one point of attachment to the other. In addition to relaxation, the benefits are numerous and reflect on the whole musculoskeletal and organic systems. They can be summed up as:


improved blood circulation


reduction of stress through a calmed nervous system


improved skin suppleness


decreased muscle tension


Kinetic Swedish massage® is an experience in itself. It improves the individual's awareness resulting in optimal quality of life.


Prices60 minutes: $115

                  90 minutes: $130



Send me an email at to book a massage today!

